Yes, yes. I'm still on cloud 9 knowing that I'm having a daughter. I look at the ultrasound pictures, especially the 3D ones, every day. I analyze the 3D ones, knowing that that is what she'll look like when she comes out, just a little more filled out. One of my co-workers had my doctor when she was pregnant with her son, and she told me that the 3D ones show what she'll look like when she comes out; but, she'll be a little more filled out. When I look at our little girl, I definitely see a lot of me, and I can FOR SURE see some Tyson. She most definitely has my little nose....that I can't wait to kiss. Every time I study it and shout to Tyson what I see, he goes, "I cannot tell ANYTHING from those things! Looks like an alien to me!" Well, Tyson, she doesn't look like an alien to me! She looks a little of you and a little of me! ;)
At 18 weeks, baby girl was the size of a sweet potato
Our baby girl:
- Is busy being mobile
- Has her ears in her final position
- Her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed
- And, as we found out from the ultrasounds, loves to move her hands to her face, open her mouth (singing), is a little lady with keeping her legs crossed, and LOVES to suck her thumb! Which, as we heard from the doctor, is a sign of maturity. So I'm okay with that.
This week, I think I can officially say that I felt movement! Which I think confirms that one solid muscle twitch feeling I felt LAST week in my lower right abdomen was probably movement. On the day that we found out that little baby "S" was a girl, I was lying on my left side in bed and felt 5 solid muscle twitch feelings all in a row on the lower left side of my tummy. There were a few seconds in between them. I looked at Tyson and go, "I think I'm feeling her move!" Then, the following day, I was just sitting down in front of the computer at home, and baby girl twitched 3 times for me on my lower right side. An hour later, I got up, sneezed like 10 times in a row (thank you allergies!), and a few seconds later, I felt her jostle in there. Must have startled her. It almost felt like a rolling feeling. It was honestly the COOLEST, WEIRDEST thing I've felt. Ever since then, I've maybe gotten a few slight twitch feelings here and there, but nothing like I did on Monday and Tuesday. It seemed on Monday and Tuesday, I felt her more. I'm starting to think this baby is going to be very calm and relaxed by her movements I can and cannot feel. Even in her ultrasound, she didn't like to move much or often. If we tried to get her to move, she'd nudge a little, but not MOVE, move. I'm starting to think she'll also be stubborn. Tyson says, "She's stubborn like her mom," and "She's just like her dad," because she's showing maturity. So, to sum it up, she's lazy, stubborn, and mature. HA!
Now comes the fun part. PICTURES! So, little does Tyson realize, this little girl already has daddy wrapped around her little finger. Tyson was working an extra job at the Kingwood Women's Society Seasonal Marketplace, I guess providing security, and they apparently they had TONS of cute, girly baby stuff. Well, Tyson bought baby girl her first present.....a pink and zebra ruffle butt, or diaper cover if you will. It's the cutest thing ever! He knows mommy and baby girl's tastes! The princess bib and white ruffle butt was a congratulatory gift from a co-worker that was working the extra job with Tyson. Love them all!

Then, he comes home Thursday night, surprising me with a tub FULL of bows that his co-worker's wife makes and tells me to pick what I want for baby girl.

He just keeps surprising baby girl with so many precious gifts, and it makes my heart melt. I say he's already turning her into a daddy's little girl. I can already see it.... "Daddy, I really want this," or "Daddy, can I please get this?" Oh boy. Yes I can see it. He's going to deny it. But, I think this is how it's going to go down.
So my stepmom started buying girl clothes from Janie and Jack BEFORE we found out we were having a girl. I guess she wanted a granddaughter that bad! Here are the clothes she surprised me with. The pink jumper right in the center is my FAVORITE! It's just too presh!!!

Now for a picture of the pregnant lady!!!

How far along? I'm posting this at 18 weeks, 6 days. Picture above is from yesterday, 18 weeks, 5 days.
Total weight gain/loss: I've gained 7 lbs. from pre-pregnancy weight. I'm not getting on the scale until my next doctor's appointment. That's just how I roll. Scales are dumb.
Maternity clothes? I bought two pairs of maternity jeans from The GAP last week. BOTH WERE ON SALE!!!! 40% off!!!! Who knew I could get so excited about a sale on maternity jeans!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Eh. It could be better.
Best moment this week: Finding out it's a girl!!!!!! And feeling her move a little more!
Have you told family and friends: That it's a girl....YES! That we're pregnant....DUH!
Miss Anything? A niiiiiiice, refreshing cocktail.
Symptoms: Frequent bathroom trips, feeling like a solid rock is sitting in my pelvis, breathlessness, stuffy nose, achy tailbone. Pregnancy is awesome...
Movement: Finally!!!! I've been feeling baby girl!
Food cravings: Mostly fruit juices this week. I can't get enough Mango and Strawberry Kiwi Snapple!!! Surprise me with one of those, and we'll be best friends forever.
Anything making you queasy or sick: It wasn't much this week.
Have you started to show yet: This week, I've been told, "Your baby is showing!" and "You look so cute!" and "You're starting to get a little bump!" and "I didn't know you were pregnant! Congratulations!" That last comment came from one of my student's moms that I hadn't seen since I was EARLY, early and not showing. SOOOOO, it's safe to say, I'm showing.
Gender prediction: No more guessing! It's a girl! It's a girl! It's a girl!!!!! **Doing my happy dance.**
Labor Signs: I can't tell if I'm already starting to get Braxton Hicks. I've heard you can start getting them this early, but I need to do a little more research, but I'm starting to feel a big cramp, tightening feeling sometimes that comes on once in a while. Tuesday, I felt like my uterus was TWISTING into a gigantic knot while walking into my classroom. It hurt a little, but not bad.
Belly Button in or out? Still in.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, especially now that I know I'm having a little GIRL!!!
Looking forward to: Feeling this baby move more frequently and giving me a solid, for sure KICK, as well as seeing her roll around in my tummy. I can't wait to feel her itty bitty hiccups, too. I'm hoping she'll give me a little movement when I sing to her. I do all the time since she can possibly start to hear around this time.
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