That's correct! We're going to have a little girl!!!! I thought I'd start off with the pictures before going into the story since I know pictures are what everyone is wanting to really look at.
Here's a picture of her lady parts. It's not the best, but she was being a little difficult. I'll explain the whole story in a sec. There was actually a second shot they got that was A LOT better that DEFINITELY showed it was a girl; but, they didn't get a picture of that one. Bummer.
Here are pictures of her profile:
Here are more neat pictures of her face. She really liked to put her hand up to her face. She also REALLY liked to suck her thumb. Uh oh! Captions of what's occurring are below each picture.
There she goes! Sucking that thumb! |
Here she is bringing her feet up to her face. She is crossed at the ankles here. I will tell you her "crossed leg" story in a sec.
Her hand in her mouth. |
Her hand up to her face. I think getting ready to put that thumb in her mouth! |
Waving "hi."
BIG yawn!!!! |
There she goes, again!!! Sucking her thumb! CONSTANTLY she was doing it.
Waving "hi" again!
Little baby foot! All five toes on this foot!!!! Just FYI, she also has all five toes on the other foot...hee hee. :) |
Her VERY first outfit that her Aunt Becca got her! |
Okay, story time. Let me first start out by saying that I wanted a girl SO BAD!!!! I never expressed it on here because I didn't want everyone to know, only to get my hopes shot down. Only close friends and family knew how I desired a girl and would have been heartbroken if it was a boy. At the very beginning of this pregnancy, I kept thinking that there was a girl in here, but over the last few days, I started to think boy. I was getting pretty sad and preparing myself to not be completely heartbroken if they said boy.
If you don't know me, which pretty much everyone who reads this does, I'm a TOTAL girly girl, and this little girl will be my little dress up doll. Yes. I'm one of THOSE moms. I want tutu skirts, ruffle butts, and the LARGEST and the BIGGEST, OVERSIZED headband/bows to put on her little head. Basically, the bow has to be half the size of her face or larger. I want those headbands to be all girled out with feathers, rhinestones, glitter, and pink coming out of it at every angle. I don't think you understand the severity of the situation. I basically want it as GIGANTIC and gaudy as possible.
Okay, so seriously, here goes the story. So, we walk into the room and I'm practically shaking (NOT KIDDING!) I'm so anxious, nervous, etc. Low and behold, Tyson KNOWS the ultrasound tech. So they're chatting it up, catching up on each other's lives while I stood there, and then after standing, lied there, WAITING for that gel and wand to hit my tummy. It was teasing me, and I honestly was starting to get very impatient. I almost turned towards him to give him my, "shut up," face because the more he asked her questions, the more she stalled. I was already shaking here peoples!!!
So, she's checking everything out. She tells me that she generally likes to look at a few things before looking at the sex. She asks me what I want, and I didn't say anything because I was too scared to say. Tyson said, "girl," and I sadly replied, "I really want girl, but I'm having a feeling that this is a boy." So she looks at some things, then tries to go find the girl or boy parts; however, the baby had her legs crossed so we couldn't see anything. The ultrasound tech decided to check more more anatomical stuff on the baby and come back to it, hoping the baby would move a little. We must have gone back to that area a million times, and STILL she had her legs crossed. Tyson goes, "Well, if it's a girl, that's a good thing she has her legs crossed," or something to that effect.
A few times, the tech almost got a good look, and she kept saying, "I'm thinking this is a girl and not a boy, but I just need to get a better shot to be sure." I kept saying, "I don't know, I see a scrotum," but she replied back with, "That's probably her heel you're seeing." Finally, the tech got a good shot and confirmed it. She was all girl! She goes, "Yep! There's her labia. She's a girl!" As soon as she said this, I practically hyperventilated and said, "Are you sure!? Are you sure?! It's a girl!? It's a girl!? Oh my God, it's a girl!" Then I covered my face and started bawling my eyes out all while repeating, "It's a girl." Also, as soon as the lady said girl, my sister quickly turned around and pulled out baby girl's first outfit and a box with 3 headbands in it. I just kept crying, in happiness. The shot was bad for us, as you could tell from the picture. We could barely see it, but she was sure. We asked her to come back to it and check one more time because we could barely tell if it was a labia like she said it was. The ultrasound tech made sure to let me know that she'd never tell me it was a girl or boy if she wasn't for sure just to calm my fears.
Our little girl just LOVES to suck her thumb and bring her hands to her face. That's all she would do, and she wouldn't uncross her legs. My little lady. She's currently sitting breech as well, so that was ANOTHER reason we were having such a hard time finding her lady parts. Also, the placenta is sitting forward, so that's one reason I haven't been able to feel her move. Eventually, the doctor came in to talk to us all about the scan and what she sees. As she's coming in, the ultrasound tech goes, "I, for sure, know this is a girl but could you look at it one more time for us?" The doctor crinkled her face and said, "I saw girl, but we'll look again." So she did, and we saw a MUCH better picture. She made sure to point out the girl parts. Once I saw the picture, I sighed with relief and knew I could feel confident that this was a girl.
So, there you have it! My little lady that keeps her legs crossed. I may be biased, but she has the sweetest face ever. It's hard to tell in the pictures, but in the ultrasound when you got to watch her move, yawn, suck her thumb, etc., she just looks like the sweetest little girl. Even the ultrasound tech said she had a cute face. I couldn't agree more. ;) According to the high risk doctor, out baby looks like she's in good shape. Healthy and all! We are so ecstatic. More so me. I've been on cloud 9 for the last 3 hours. I've got my little girl that I've always wanted. Now, I need to start nailing down a girl name, think of nursery ideas, and find those GIGANTIC, I mean OVER-TAKE my child's head, kind of headbands!
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