At 19 weeks, baby girl is the size of a mango
from crown to rump, or she's about the length of a 6 inch sub
sandwich......Nom, nom, nom! As far as developments, she apparently
should weight 8.5 oz, which I think she weights more, her limbs are all proportionate
to her body, and she now has vernix caseosa covering her body which is a waxy
protective coating for her skin.
This week, I felt more, obvious movement. Little twitches here, little twitches there….a
few episodes where it feels like she’s rolling in there. When I lie down and rest, she moves. Of course, this is what typically happens
with babies in mommy’s tummies in this type of situation. Sometimes when I sit at work, I’ll feel
her. I often like to sit while bending
my right knee up to my chest. When I do
this, I feel her much more. I LOVE
feeling her move. It is one of the
NEATEST experiences. It feels strange, but I love feeling her move so much. I often find myself not breathing or taking a
chance to move an inch if she starts to move.
I don’t want to make any sudden movements that will make her stop
because I DON’T WANT her to stop. I just
love that I’m consistently feeling her now.
In other news, I think we've officially chosen her name. We’re still trying to nail down the spelling of her first name, but for now….this is what I’ll put:
In other news, I think we've officially chosen her name. We’re still trying to nail down the spelling of her first name, but for now….this is what I’ll put:
Brynlee Taylor Sutton
Let me tell you a little story. Originally, I have always loved the name Brooke. I fell in love with that name when I was probably in the 8th grade. I was sitting on the school bus, and I saw that name up on a name card where the bus driver had assigned seating for the younger kiddos. At that moment, I told myself that if I ever had a daughter, that would be the name I’d give her. All throughout the years Tyson and I dated, I told him about that story. From then on, Tyson would refer our future child as, "Brooke." Fast forward to when I was about 10-12 weeks pregnant. I was playing around on Pinterest and saw the name “Brynnley,” which we will not be spelling it this way. Fell….In….Love…With….It. I thought it was different, and plus, over the last 5 years, I was getting disappointed because “Brooke” and “Brooklyn” were starting to become a popular name. This was starting to turn me off from my name I had picked out ever since I was in the 8th grade. I'll be honest. It made me a little sad.
So here we sit, I've changed what I've always wanted and decided to go with Brynlee. Taylor is Tyson’s middle name along with his grandfather’s name. I was just lying in bed one night, and as Tyson was walking by I said, “What do you think about her middle name being Taylor?” It just popped in my head, I thought it was cute. He sounded real interested and told me he liked it. A couple days later, Tyson expressed how it made him feel real special for our daughter to have the same middle name as him. Daddy’s little girl!!! Anyways, we love it, and now enjoy calling her Brynlee. But, we still call her baby girl as well. :)
I also have officially decided the theme of Brynlee’s nursery. It’s going to be “Shabby Chic meets Elegance.” I want a very clean, crisp look with more creams, taupes, whites, and hints of blushes. I also want to incorporate crystal gem accessories along with a shabby chic mirror and other accessories. I've put together a design board (sort of) that shows the look I’m going for for baby girl’s room. I don’t want it to look like your typical nursery. The bedding is EXACTLY what I want, but I don’t want to pay the price the company is asking for. So, I’m on the hunt for a person who will make it for me. Wish me luck! Below is my “sort of” design board for you to take a peek. Click on the picture if you want to make it bigger.
Anyways, this week flew! I can’t believe in a couple of days, I’ll officially be HALF WAY! Now, for the weekly survey. Enjoy!
How far along? I'm posting this at 19 weeks and 5 days!
Total weight gain/loss: Since my last prenatal appointment, I've gained 7 lbs. from pre-pregnancy weight.
Maternity clothes? Wonderful co-workers of mine have given me a few things, but I haven't bought any other maternity stuff yet. Still rocking the pre-pregnancy shirts! Woohoo to THAT! But....I have a feeling I'll have to break down and get preggo tops soon.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I actually had a few nights this week where I got some good rest.
Best moment this week: Feeling baby girl move oh-so-much more! My little dancer in there...
Have you told family and friends: Of course. :)
Miss Anything? Cocktails!!!!
Symptoms: Excessive thirst from all of this blood coursing through my veins....peeing a lot. Feeling like I have something sitting in my pelvis...........a baby! :)
Movement: Tons more! It just feels like tiny muscle twitches right now, with some "rolling feelings" every now and then.
Food cravings: Any way I can get something sweet in my mouth in liquid form.... fruit juices, fruit smoothies...and this morning I REALLY wanted a Sprite. I don't drink Sprite.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nah! I was good this week! Just peachy!!!
Have you started to show yet: Clearly a pregnancy bump and not a jelly doughnut bump anymore.
Gender prediction: No more guessing! It's a girl! It's a girl! It's a girl!!!!! **Doing my happy dance.**
Labor Signs: Again, I can't tell if it's Braxton Hicks, but I did get a REAL TIGHT feeling in my tummy the other day. Didn't hurt, and it went away rather quickly.
Belly Button in or out? Still in.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: The first time Tyson can feel baby girl move from the outside.
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