Below are some videos of the different stages our house has gone through in THREE DAYS! Tyson and I went and took a look on Wednesday, March 10th, and they were pretty much finished with the framing. The very next day, we had the framing for the roof, siding, windows getting put in, name it! And all of this over the course of ONE DAY! I apologize ahead of time. Some of these videos might be repeating some things because, unfortunately, my camera only video tapes in one minute intervals, so I tried to pick up where I left off as best as possible.
March 10th-Framing is complete and walls are starting to get put up.
March 11th-Framing of roof complete, some piping put in, and the windows were getting put in.
March 11th
March 11th
March 11th
March 11th-As we were talking to our next door neighbor, we found out that the workers worked on our house up until about 11 at night! Then! We discovered that our siding was put up! We didn't realize it until we were leaving.
If you can't view the videos, here are some overall pictures of the stage our home is currently in:
March 8th- Getting the frame of the house finished.
This is what was complete late afternoon on March 10th.
The VERY NEXT DAY, frame for the roof is up, windows are up, black tarppy things (don't make fun! :) around house and getting ready for insulation.

Back of the house with the siding put up. Windows are up.
Our side/backyard. It's nice and wide!
Our covered patio....the BEST decision we made!
They started on the piping throughout our house. The water heater is already set up.
Living room view.
Kitchen/Morning Room.
Looking down the hall from our front door.
Dining room.
That's it so far! They're working hard and moving right along! We got an email from our sales person, and he said that they should starting putting the roof up within the next few days.
Anyways, Tyson and I hope all is well with everyone. Today was my last day of work until the 22nd. It's Spring Break for my school district! ....YAY! Tyson's working, as usual, but, I'll at least be home all day on his two days off so that will be nice. I don't know when everyone else's Spring Break is, but we hope everyone has a good one! Enjoy the weekend!
Oh my Gosh! You're not kidding! They are moving right along! I know I've said this before, but I am SO excited for you guys...I'm sure you're just jumping out of your skin as well. I keep waiting for one of the construction guys to look into the camera and give an HGTV introduction of the house and crew. Something like "Hi, I'm Juan Rivera here at the Sutton House, and today we'll be showing you how to install your own plumbing" hahaha
I really am just SO happy for you! Can't wait to see the finished product.
Thanks! Yes, I am DEFINITELY jumping out of my skin, not only because I'm excited, but I'm ready to be in a home. That's too funny! I should get one of the workers to do that....HAHAHA! I'd get Tyson to do it, but he doesn't like being in front of the camera.
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