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Friday, March 8, 2013

37 Week Bumpdate

Well, HELLO THERE big belly!  Oh, and say hello to my little fur child, Precious.  She totally photo bombed the picture.  Here's me at 37 weeks and 4 days pregnant.  Let's see how much more baby I can fit in here in the next 2 weeks!                                                                                                              

Two more weeks....TWO MORE WEEKS!!!!  I can't believe it.  I'm so ready to meet this little baby girl, it's not even funny.  I've been reflecting a lot and already feel like my life has changed even though she's not quite here, yet.  I'm officially on Spring Break vacation from work, and I remember that this time last year, Tyson and I were prepping and packing for our Ft. Lauderdale trip.  We were so excited about it!  Now, we're prepping for baby and packing for the hospital.  Still excited, but it's a totally different excitement.  This time last year, I would have NEVER guessed I'd be about two weeks out from giving birth to our first born, our daughter.  It's crazy to think about it like that.  I feel like it all started with Ft. Lauderdale.  Tyson had gone to Ft. Lauderdale with his dad the year BEFORE we went and came back talking about having a little one.   His dad showed him the grave sites of his grandparents and great grandparents, and it got Tyson thinking.  He had never gotten a chance to meet his grandparents and he had wished he did.  He came back telling me how much he wanted our child to know, spend time, and remember his/her grandparents, especially his parents.  Overall, I just think about the mindset I was in this time last year, and one thing is for sure........... A baby wasn't on my mind.  Shopping for a bikini was.  HA!!!!!!!  NOT anymore!

So, as you all know, I'm now on to weekly appointments with the OBGYN.  On Tuesday, at 37 weeks and 2 days, I had a GREAT follow up.  Here are the highlights:

1)  The first words said to me by the nurse when I entered the  room was, "Well, you're officially full term now, so if you go into labor, we will not stop you.  CRAZY!!!

2)  I am now 3 cm. dilated and still 50% effaced.  Yay for progression!  She's currently still at -1 station, meaning she's engaged in my pelvis but not LOW, low yet.

3)  I asked the doctor if she could predict Brynlee's current weight for me and she's predicting she's currently between 6.5 to 7 lbs. right now.  She felt all over my belly to get an idea.  While feeling on my belly, she goes, "WOW!!!  You are literally ALL baby!"  So this gigantic ball looking thing protruding from my tummy is nothing but baby girl!

After finding out our little girl's estimated current weight, I told my doctor that my husband has lost the bet.   I told her that Tyson was predicting that she'd be 6 lbs. 11 oz. at birth.  The doctor laughed and went, "Oh, no.  She definitely will be bigger than 6 lbs. 11oz!"  Oh, and just so you all know, when the doctor told me that she's feeling like she's almost 7 lbs. now, my eyes got huge and my heart sank to my stomach.  All I keep praying for is that Brynlee doesn't make it to the 8 lb. range.  Lord help me.

Brynlee's nursery is coming along quite nicely.  Since it's both Tyson and my Spring Break, hanging things on the wall is now at the top of the least for me!!!  Time to get the finishing touches complete!  This could very well be the week I finally take pictures of the room, so you could get nursery pictures in next week's blog!  YAY!  Not only is the nursery almost complete, but I got more things organized for baby, and the hospital bag is officially packed and ready to go!  Even though I have gotten a lot completed, I still feel sort of panicked, like I feel like I'm forgetting something.  I'm such a perfectionist that I want everything organized, completed, and PERFECTED before little, miss thang arrives.

Well, that's my week!  My 37th week of pregnancy.  I can't believe it's coming to an end.  It makes me feel happy, but kind of sad at the same time.  It's quite an amazing feeling to know I'm growing a little LIFE!  Ugh.  I just can't wait to see her sweet face, kiss her little lips, hold her tiny hand, and hold her little body close to mine...

How far along? Posting this at 37 weeks and 5 days!

Total weight gain/loss:  I have not gained any more weight, so I'm still stuck at 25 lbs. gained.  FIIIIIINE with me!
Maternity clothes?  Nothing, and I think this is the last of the buying of the maternity clothes.  I seriously only bought maybe 5 maternity tops and 3 pairs of maternity pants this WHOLE pregnancy.  I made do with what I had in my pre-pregnancy closet.

Stretch marks?  The striations are starting to creep up.  PRAYING PRAYING PRAYING they don't go past my belly button.  My belly has been itching like CRAZY, though.  Lotions and oils aren't doing anything because I think the itching is coming deep within the dermal layer where no lotion will touch.  I also feel like my skin is ripping apart at times, and that's no exaggeration.  There have been a few days this week where all of these feelings have been driving me INSANE!!!  Please, skin!  Hold up for me for just a couple more weeks.....please....

Sleep: Sleeping fine, but it's getting interrupted by urgent pee trips.  Also, I've been waking up randomly and sometimes feeling VERY wide awake and thinking I should start getting up.  But, then I look at the clock, see that it's about 3 in the morning, and think, "Nah...  I'll have PLENTY of opportunities when Brynlee is born to have my 3 o'clock wake up calls."  Ughhhhh......

Best moment this week:
 Finding out that I progressed from 1 cm last week to 3 cm.!  I couldn't believe it. And here I was, thinking that I'd efface faster.  Psh!!!!

Have you told family and friends: That would be terrible if no one knew at this point.

Miss Anything?  Being able to bend over and take on and off my shoes and pants without falling over, being able to bend over and dry off my legs when I get out of the shower, being able to bend over and pick things up off the floor.  Do you see a pattern here.....  I want to be able to bend over, again.

Symptoms: Back pain, waddling/shufflling, achiness in the belly, frequent and URGENT bathroom trips, sometimes sharp lightening shock pains to the "coota-cata" (she's sitting in my pelvis folks!), fatigue, and Braxton Hicks are starting to get a little meaner on me.  Still waiting on this "so-called" burst of energy where I go into nesting mode.  I'm thinking it's not going to happen.  I just feel worn out ALL the time!

Movement: She's still squirming about.  Not much kicking.  No room!  I'll feel either a knee or foot poke out once in a while.  It's fun to touch it with my finger tips.  I'll also get a little booty sticking up a little, and I'll pat and rub her little tushy while talking to her.

Food cravings: Sweets, still.

Anything making you queasy or sick: For the past couple of days, every time I would lie on my right side at a certain angle, it would make me feel like I had an upset tummy.

Have you started to show yet: I've got a full on belly!

Gender prediction: No more predicting....It's a girl!

Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks, and they have become a little more uncomfortable.  Last Saturday, I thought I was probably going to go into labor.  They were stronger than I'm used to and were coming on and off more frequently than I'm used to.  But, it only lasted for 4 hours, and then it subsided.  That was probably my body helping me dilate to 3 cm.

Belly Button in or out?  Still hanging on for dear life!  Still an inny and outty.

Wedding rings on or off? No swelling, so still on.  

Happy or Moody most of the time: Overall, happy and SO ANXIOUS!!!!

Looking forward to: Hanging everything up on the nursery walls and enjoying my Spring Break!  I like how I have an entire week off from work towards the end of my pregnancy.  I NEED this!  Goodness gracious, I need this..                                          

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