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Saturday, September 22, 2012

13 Week Bump Update

     Here we go!  On to a new week!  Looking a little more pregnant these days.  I go in and out of forgetting that I'm pregnant.  This week, the baby is the size of a medium shrimp from crown to rump.  Kind of a gross food comparison to me.

      My belly grew a little more, and I had my 2nd prenatal visit with my Ob-gyn.  I got to hear the heartbeat again.  I got excited when the nurse pulled out that doppler thingy, loaded it with jelly, aimed for my tummy, and said, "Okay, we're going to hear the heartbeat."  I asked her excitedly, "Oh!  I get to hear it again?!?!!"  Apparently, we will listen for it every prenatal appointment, which I didn't know.  Fine by me!!!!! :)

     The sound of our baby's heartbeat made me feel all kinds of warm, fuzzy, and excited all at once.  It was the sweetest sound ever.  Little baby "S" had a heartbeat of 154 bpm at Thursday's appointment.  It's so weird.  I forget I'm pregnant sometimes and that there's a little human inside me; and then I hear the heartbeat, and it makes me go, "HOLY MOLY!  There's a baby in there!" The doctor told me that my pregnancy so far is going perfectly on a medical standpoint.  I'm gaining weight perfectly, blood tests are normal, etc.  I even got to find out my blood type (FINALLY!!!).  I've always wanted to know.

     Tyson and I have our anatomy scan scheduled October 22nd.  I'm being sent to St. Lukes to a high risk doctor to get my anatomy scan because their equipment is apparently the top of the line in town. No worries, though!  Everything is fine, it's just that my doctor likes to send her patients to this doctor to get their anatomy scans.  Personally, I really appreciate it.  I'll be 18 weeks exactly when we have the anatomy scan.  Sooooo!!!!.....Mark your calendars!  We find out boy or girl October 22nd.  Ugh!  I CAN'T wait!  Now for the weekly bump photo and pregnancy survey!

But, before that, how do you like how I'm "rigging" my jeans these days???

Yep!  That's a hair tie I'm using to hook around the button and through the hole because my belly sticks out too much to button it.  Trying to wear these jeans as long as I can!

Here's a close up of this cleverness going on.

Now me.  This is me at 13 weeks and 6 days.  I'll be 14 weeks tomorrow.  I'm a little late on the bump picture update.

How far along? 13 Weeks, 6 Days

Total weight gain/loss: I've gained 4 lbs. from my pre-pregnancy weight.  Happy about that.  I'm right on track!

Maternity clothes?  I bought two pairs of maternity pants for work!  The whole, "let it be unbuttoned and wide open" thing is not working much for me these days.  

Stretch marks? No

Sleep: Sleeping decent.  Only getting up one time to no times at night to pee instead of the 500 times I did to pee Niagara Falls early to end of my first trimester.  I do seem to slightly wake up in the night because I'm uncomfortable sleeping on my side.  I'm trying to avoid sleeping on my back.

Best moment this week: Hearing the baby's heartbeat again and getting my belly rubbed by one of my former student's mom.  I don't know what it is, but I L-O-V-E getting my belly touched.  I've heard there are those that hate it and those that don't mind it.  I LOVE it!!!!  So touch and rub away peoples!  You're safe!

Have you told family and friends: Yep, yep!

Miss Anything?  To put it bluntly..............booze.

Movement: Nothing, yet!  I know I still have a while.  The books say the baby is moving, though.  I wish I could feel it. :(  SOON!

Food cravings: Light and refreshing foods like fruit and salads, along with soups.  Does water count by the way!?  I've been sucking down water like I got lost in the desert for a month and forgot what it tastes like! I guess drinking enough fluids couldn't be a bad thing!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not much, really.  Raw meat still kind of makes me grossed out.

Have you started to show yet: Oh for sure.  Tight, clingy shirts really show a nice bump.  However, I know I'm not THAT big enough for strangers to look at me and confidently ask, "When are you due?"  Although, there are some people in this world that ask NON-pregnant people that...  Yikes...

Gender prediction: Still yes and no.  I just keep feeling it deep down in my heart that there HAS to be a girl in here.  I just can't seem to think it's a boy for some odd reason.  But, then I always second guess myself and think that maybe it's a boy.

Labor Signs: Still early in my pregnancy, so nope! :)

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy

Looking forward to: Finding out the gender!  C'mon Oct. 22nd!  Just a little over 4 weeks to go! 


Nicole Rodriguez said...

This is so exciting! I'm so happy you're blogging and I can keep up with what Baby S is up to!!! You look gorgeous!!!

Tyson and Reannin said...

Thank you Nicole!