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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Catching Up

I have been slacking on this thing, I know! So sorry! Nothing too new with us. We just celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary end of March. We didn't do anything to celebrate because Tyson had to work. :( I did get a guitar for our wedding anniversary because I've always wanted to learn to play. Now that I got one, it's time to start learning!

Work is going well for both of us. There's nothing new in Tyson's job world, still doing the K9 thing. He's getting ready to go into instructor and F.T.O. school so he can be trained to teach some training classes up at his department, and the F.T.O. school is to train newly hired officers of the department. I'm wrapping up my second year of teaching. Only 30 something more days! C'mon summer! I am also so very thankful that I still have a job and work for the school district that I do with all of these budget cuts occurring. VERY scary!

Crossfit is going AWESOME! We're getting stronger and noticing changes in our bodies. Speaking of stronger!!!!!.........I deadlifted 200 lbs. yesterday, which to me is quite impressive for my size. I'm so EXCITED about that! I especially like that I'm getting that more fit look that I've always wanted to achieve that I couldn't seem to get with cardio and baby weights alone. Our trainers have defintely opened my eyes up to the importance of weight lifting and the significant effect it has on fat loss. I'm losing inches I never thought I could lose, so here's a message to you ladies.....YOU WON'T BULK! You'll just gain lean muscle, rev up that metabolism, AND create that afterburn that allows to you continue to burn calories. Gah! I just love all of this stuff, and I would love to be a personal trainer! Now, if only I could get that OOOOOONE pull-up without a spotter.............. That's the goal I'm trying to reach.

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