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Thursday, May 6, 2010

We're In!

It's official! We're in our new home!!! Sorry for the lapse in time between blogging, but we have been TERRIBLY busy. Tyson's parents came into town last Thursday to help us start with the move. Thursday, our sod came in.....a little late in the day......but it came in, and both Tyson's parents and my dad helped us out when it came to putting down the sod. Everyone was soaked in sweat, while I just stood there and watched Tyson and them do all of the work. I felt so bad. I'm supposed to be babying my back like crazy so I was MORE than grateful for their help because I'm not allowed to be lifting too heavy of things and bending too much. *sighhhh...* I'm looking forward to my back strengthening up so I can ease into more activities.

The move in process has become quite an adventure, especially since a few things haven't gone as planned. I was reminded many times, "Welcome to being a home builder/homeowner." The BIGGEST thing that happened is that the builder put carpet by the back patio door when it was supposed to be tile. We didn't notice it until a couple of days into closing. We mentioned it to our sales guy, and he told us that it was supposedly an option and we'd have to pay 300 some odd dollars to fix it, along with going to home depot to get things to finish out the carpet ourselves. In reality, if we had known that, it would have been a $100 upgrade, and it didn't require us to go to home depot and finish the fix up ourselves. The whole 3 months through this process, never once were we told it was an option. We were told it was standard, so Tyson stood tall on his feet with the assistance of Hugh and Nancy (thank God) saying that we should not be responsible for the miscommunication. When all is said and done, the builder is taking care of it.

We've both been pretty overwhelmed with this whole process. Tyson's stressed because he's trying to take care of house stuff while trying to get this thing at work up and running (I'm still not going to tell you yet), while I'm just plain exhausted from moving stuff, staying up late trying to adjust to things, and get up earlier for work and trying to adjust to the timing of the drive and traffic because we're further back from the freeway....ALLLLL while this is the heaviest paperwork month of my job.

I have no pictures of the weekend move, but Nancy has a ton of photos of the whole experience. I'll try to grab some of those to put up on the blog for you all. I will take pictures of our home and the furniture in it, but right now everything's out of place. I can't decide whether or not to wait until our NEW furniture comes in, we've had some time to organize and move everything, and I've had the time to get some things decorated. I definitely know what I'll be busy doing in June! :)

Overall, work is going well for the both of us. Tyson's all pumped about this new change at work and how his chief and sergeant trusts him to get the ball rolling on this change. I know I'm proud and excited for Tyson. I'm all pumped because I had a great week! I had a parent email my principal, singing my praises, and I had my principal compliment on how I am an excellent teacher. Those two compliments can make any girl's week! Health wise, I'm doing great. The nerves are slowly, but surely calming down. I'm slowly, but surely returning back to LIFE! Oh how I missed it. I think I got a good slap in the face this past year to remember that we need to be always grateful for all of the little things in life that makes us happy and that we have our health.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! Hopefully I will get new pictures up soon! :)

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