This Saturday, Brynlee will be 2 1/2 months. Someone pinch me. Has it been 2 1/2 months already?!? Can't believe my little beauty is already 2 1/2 months. Seems like yesterday she was in my tummy.
At Brynlee's 2 month checkup, she weighed 11 lbs. and has stretched out to 23 inches long. The pediatrician says she had a big growth spurt since her 6 week checkup. Our little girl also got her 2 month shots, which just about broke my heart. So cliche, but it TRULY just ripped me to pieces. We were cooing and just loving each other, then I had just put the paci in her mouth because she started to get antsy, waiting on the nurse to come by to give her shots. The nurse finally had come in and told me to lie her down on the table. I did, just watching those innocent, beautiful blues just stare at me and then up towards the ceiling. My heart completely sank. She had no idea what was about to hit her. Then it happened, that first prick of the needle, and she just about lost it. She SCREAMED a scream I have NEVER heard since she's been born, and the paci just slowly fell out of her mouth as my helpless, little baby just lied there bawling her eyes out. Talk about a dagger straight through Mommy's heart. There were two more shots put to her thighs and she continued this mix of screaming and crying. I choked up big time and tried my best to not cry. I successfully managed not to, but it was hard. Once the nurse left, I picked up my baby and cuddled her so, SO tightly trying to calm her down. I felt horrible, and it's making me sad right now just typing this up.
For the first few hours after the shot, she napped GREAT. This was awesome for me since she's a sucky day time napper. After that, she woke up to being a HUGE fusser bears. Nothing could console her. Finally gave her some infant Tylenol, and I got my happy baby back. It was a miracle drug.
Brynlee is developing great. Doctor says she's a smart girl. It's quite AMAZING to watch her grow, develop, and change. She's doing so many thing right now that are blowing me away! She now does this thing where she'll do a little vocalized fuss if I'm not in her line of sight, trying to get my attention. Watch!!! Watch her face when I do finally approach her. Little stinkers...
She did this in the doctor's office, and once I talked to her, she quieted down. The doctor said that she's smart and knows what she's doing. She does this to get my attention. Anyways, it's honestly TOTALLY cute, and I LOVE that she knows I'm her mommy and she wants my company. When I finally approach her, she'll stop, sometimes give me a smile like, "AH HA! IT WORKED!!!" or coo at me. I can't resist kissing those chipmunk cheeks right then and there. Lately, though, she seems to be going through a "needy for Mommy's attention" stage. I either have to be playing, talking, singing, or holding her. If I'm not, she'll let me know! Stinkers... It's crazy to me how smart she's getting. I can't believe babies can do what they do this early in the game!
Our little girl is also SO STRONG. She's always had a great, strong neck since the day she was born. She LOVES doing this little trick where I pull her up by her hands and she'll plant her feet into a standing postion. Originally, I started doing it to pull her onto her bottom while giving her neck some exercise. Her neck stays stable, but she won't sit. She'd rather STAND! She literally PLANTS her feet and it brings her to stand. Her face lights up when we do this little trick. It's like, "Hello world!!"
For the first few hours after the shot, she napped GREAT. This was awesome for me since she's a sucky day time napper. After that, she woke up to being a HUGE fusser bears. Nothing could console her. Finally gave her some infant Tylenol, and I got my happy baby back. It was a miracle drug.
Brynlee is developing great. Doctor says she's a smart girl. It's quite AMAZING to watch her grow, develop, and change. She's doing so many thing right now that are blowing me away! She now does this thing where she'll do a little vocalized fuss if I'm not in her line of sight, trying to get my attention. Watch!!! Watch her face when I do finally approach her. Little stinkers...
She did this in the doctor's office, and once I talked to her, she quieted down. The doctor said that she's smart and knows what she's doing. She does this to get my attention. Anyways, it's honestly TOTALLY cute, and I LOVE that she knows I'm her mommy and she wants my company. When I finally approach her, she'll stop, sometimes give me a smile like, "AH HA! IT WORKED!!!" or coo at me. I can't resist kissing those chipmunk cheeks right then and there. Lately, though, she seems to be going through a "needy for Mommy's attention" stage. I either have to be playing, talking, singing, or holding her. If I'm not, she'll let me know! Stinkers... It's crazy to me how smart she's getting. I can't believe babies can do what they do this early in the game!
Our little girl is also SO STRONG. She's always had a great, strong neck since the day she was born. She LOVES doing this little trick where I pull her up by her hands and she'll plant her feet into a standing postion. Originally, I started doing it to pull her onto her bottom while giving her neck some exercise. Her neck stays stable, but she won't sit. She'd rather STAND! She literally PLANTS her feet and it brings her to stand. Her face lights up when we do this little trick. It's like, "Hello world!!"
Oh! And Brynlee is just like her daddy. She just LOVES to watch T.V. Uh. Oh. I'm going to chalk it up to the fact she very stimulated by all of the bright colors and movement on the big T.V.

It has gotten to the point that if she's lying down, she'll now do this sit up thing, like she's doing stomach crunches, to indicate that she wants me to grab her hands and sit or stand her up. If I don't, she'll fuss at me. Already a little sassy frass! Watch her do her little crunches! :)
I finally introduced Brynlee to my students for the first time yesterday. They all had been so anxious to finally meet the baby that was in their teacher's tummy. Brynlee loved looking at all the faces and listening to the chaos of the students. I wondered if she recognized this "sound" that she had heard in my tummy. My students were so excited to see me and so excited to meet Brynlee. I have missed them so much and it truly saddens me that I won't be there to finish out the year with them. I wanted to give them all a big, huge hug. I tried to get as many as I could with a baby in hand. :) I sure did miss them....FOR REALZ!!!!
Anyways, that's just about it for now! It's so fun to watch Brynlee grow, and I can't wait to watch Brynlee grow and change some more. This is all so, very exciting to see her reach milestones and do some silly things. I can't wait to see her little personality emerge. We love this little girl to death!!! Can't imagine life without her! She's our little beauty....our little chipmunk...
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