And here I am, 35 weeks and 4 days pregnant. These weeks have just been moving right along. As I move towards the end of my pregnancy, I'm getting so anxious to see Brynlee and just not be pregnant anymore. The "fun" is over, and the novelty of it is wearing off. I'm also getting very nervous as I approach my due date rather quickly. Will I be able to handle the sleep deprivation? I LIVE to sleep. It's been in my nature every since I was a baby, this being based off what my mom says and me remembering while growing up, all I did was sleep. My mom told me I was an easy baby who loved to sleep. Maybe Brynlee will be just like her mommy??? Will I be able to adjust to this new lifestyle of motherhood? I'm so scared. Another thing I keep thinking about is holy schnikes! (or however you'd like to spell that!) I'm about to be a MOM. I'm going to be taking care of another person other than myself. Will I be a good mom? Do I have that "mom" gene in me? Will I be there enough for her and be mom enough for her that when she gets older, she'll look back, think I was a good mother, and want to be like me? Will she be able to feel and see all the love I have for her? These are just a handful of the things that have been clouding my brain over the last week.
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Big Ol' Belly!!! |
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My view of my 35 week old belly. Don't mind the Girl Scout's thin mint. I was eating them as a snack and decided to rest it on my belly. |
This week, the average fetus is 5 1/4 pounds and is about 18 inches long. Kidneys and liver are fully functioning now, and her physical development is now complete. All she's doing is adding some pudge and growing. Ugh!!!! I can't wait to meet her. She should be having patterns of sleep and wakefulness right now. They say that I should start being able to figure it out. Well, I'm still trying to figure it out. She seems to squirm often during the day and into the evening, but then she does slow down when I go to bed. She doesn't wake me up in the middle of the night like I've been hearing and reading what could happen. Here's to hoping she's a very docile girl at night! Or, it might be that I'm so OUT like a light that I don't notice her movements. Tyson says I can sleep through a hurricane.
This past weekend, I was SO busy doing baby Brynlee things. I finally got everything of hers washed, organized, and put away, for the most part. I had to grab a picture of one of her little socks that I was putting away. Made my heart melt. She's going to be so tiny!!!
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So precious!!! |
It goes PERFECT with the theme of her nursery! Elegance meets shabby chic!!! Normally these mirrors cost upwards of a couple hundred bucks! I got it for $80 at Marshalls. HEY! HEY!!! Sorry, no pictures of the nursery, yet. There's still A LOT to do. This weekend is going to be another busy weekend of prepping to get ready for baby. I just feel like it doesn't end!
How far along? Posting this at 35 weeks and 6 days!
Total weight gain/loss: Up 23 lbs. from pre-pregnancy weight.
Maternity clothes? Nothing this week.
Stretch marks? I found some little red striations on the underside of my belly close to my pubic bone area. I'm starting to stress out!!!! It's not bad. It's very faint, very small, and it's only a few striations, but that doesn't mean that I'm still freaking out. I guess I'm going to HAVE to get the battle scars.
Sleep: Sleeping fine. Up a couple of times at night to pee because I feel like I'm going to lose it in bed!
Best moment this week: Finding that $80 vintage/baroque style mirror for Brynlee's nursery and getting her things washed and put away!
Have you told family and friends: That would be terrible if no one knew at this point.
Miss Anything? Not feeling so uncomfortable and a glass of wine.
Symptoms: Back pain, shortness of breath, achiness in the belly, frequent bathroom trips. I mean, when I've got to go, I've got to go!!!! Baby is putting pressure on my bladder so much that I feel like I'm going to lose it! I'm happy to report no heartburn or indigestion this week! Woo hoo!!!!
Movement: She's rib jabbing me, pushing on organs....It hurts at times, and I'm so uncomfortable. Space is limited, she's still continuing to grow, and I still have about 4 weeks left.
Food cravings: Sweets!!!!! It's like cravings decided to start kicking in!
Food cravings: Sweets!!!!! It's like cravings decided to start kicking in!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week.
Have you started to show yet: I've got a full on belly!
Gender prediction: No more predicting....It's a girl!
Labor Signs: Your typical Braxton Hicks
Belly Button in or out? Still slightly in and out. Wondering if it will every fully pop out.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Overall, happy.
Looking forward to: Working more on Brynlee's nursery and my baby shower coming up at work this Thursday. Yay for getting more things I need!!!
Meredith had hiccups CONSTANTLY when I was pregnant with her, and she came out with no cord wrapped and NO acid reflux.
Most old wives tales are just that...tales. You'll be a great mom.
Good! I'm glad to hear that because that totally eased my mind. Thanks Lauren!!!! :)
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