This week, the baby is the size of a grapefruit. Seriously... Would you look at my stomach. That looks like it's holding more of a basketball than a grapefruit.

As far as developments this week, Brynlee continues to hear voice as well as other outside noises (ie: dogs barking, the vacuum cleaner going, etc.) These noises are apparently becoming more familiar to her now, so it won't phase her when she's here out in this world. She's also more in tune with my movements; therefore, she can feel me move. She's now weighing OVER a pound. I think I read somewhere that fetuses during 23 weeks gain up to 4 oz., which is a lot to me in a short amount of time.
Baby girl is still prancing and dancing about in my belly. I still get really excited every time I feel her move. I continue to see her move underneath my belly, but no big, bulging movements, yet. One night, I witnessed a large bulge on my left side. A butt or a head, we don't know, but I felt my uterus stretch out on that side, lifted my shirt, saw a bulge, and told Tyson to come look at it and feel it. He thought it was pretty cool. We could just see her hanging out up front and to the left. I find myself lifting my shirt a the privacy of my own home, of course. Not in public. I think I'd get some funky stares. I've been feeling her kick pretty darn close to my ribs, and it's kind of a creepy feeling. I think it's only a matter of time before I feel the kicks IN my ribs. Joy.
Also this week, I received a generous amount of baby goodies from my Sam Houston State soon-to-be-teachers that I mentor. I couldn't believe how above and beyond they went and felt so blessed to have been given as much stuff as I did. Here's a picture of my gifts from them.
Isn't that just AMAZING what they did for me and Brynlee!?!?? It was so sweet. There are a couple of gifts for me that you see. It's a "blinged out" keyboard and mouse for my desk at work. As the story goes, over the last couple of years, former students of mine have bought me crystal/gem covered scissors, tape dispenser, pencil holder, and stapler because they know their teacher is such a girly girl. Well, my mentor students contributed to my collection by getting me the matching keyboard and mouse. I just about lost it, I was laughing so hard. I kept repeating, "This is AWESOME!" I was so excited. So a little for me and a little for Miss Brynlee! :)
So, that wraps it up for this week. Tomorrow starts a new week of pregnancy. Until that post, here's your 23 week preggo survey...
How far along? I'm posting this at 23 weeks and 6 days
Total weight gain/loss: I've gained 12 lbs. from my pre-pregnancy weight.
Maternity clothes? Nothing new this week! :)
Stretch marks? None. Continuing with my Mustella cream, hoping that will keep stretch marks at bay!
Sleep: Pretty decent.
Best moment this week: Being surprised with my wonderful Brynlee gifts, and one of my students rubbing my belly and talking to it, saying, "Hi baby...hi little baby..."
Have you told family and friends: Of course. :)
Miss Anything? An adult beverage and feeling a flat belly.
Symptoms: A few aches and pains there in my lower back, lower pelvic pain. Ugh. And she's just ONLY a little over a pound right now...
Movement: Happily moving about and SHOWING mommy that she's moving.
Food cravings: Sprite
Food cravings: Sprite
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still good!
Have you started to show yet: Ooooohhh yes I have!
Gender prediction: All girl!
Labor Signs: Nothing.
Belly Button in or out? Still hanging IN there! Ha. Ha. Get it?!?!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: In the middle. I felt like a had a moodier week this week.
Looking forward to: Seeing or feeling how Brynlee responds to loud sounds and Tyson and my voice.
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