At 22 weeks, our baby is about 11 inches long, the length of a spaghetti squash!

I've also read that the baby is the size of a small doll. That's kind of cool to think about. Baby girl is about 1 pound (WOW!) and resembles a miniature newborn now. May I get another ultrasound now, please?!?? I want to see what this little girl is going to look like when she's born! ;)
Lips, eyebrows, and eyelids are more distinct, and her eyes are formed; however, her irises don't have pigment, yet. She can now hear my voice, heartbeat, and everything going on inside my body. She has a sense of touch now, and is exploring by touching her face and umbilical cord. Kinda cool, huh?
Last Saturday, I got myself all registered at Babies-R-Us and Target. That was SUCH a process! My sister and I spent all day registering, and then I came home to spending 4 more hours on the internet finalizing and putting on the finishing touches of our registry. In the end, it's finished, and I'm happy that it's finished.
Over the last couple of days, I've been feeling Brynlee move like CRAZY! Full on
thumps!!! Last night, I watched my tummy move for the first time!!!!
For like 30 minutes straight! I texted Tyson at work and said,
"Just finished spending the last 30 minutes watching my tummy move.
Cheap entertainment." Baby girl was thumping about all on my
right side (go figure), and where she was thumping, I saw the thumps come out
from underneath my tummy.......or however you can explain it. It was
really neat.
So far, Brynlee seems to be like her mommy, a night owl. She's quite calm and quiet during the day. She moves, but it's more docile. At night, it's a party! Jab here, jab there, roll here, somersault there! It's endless. I told Tyson if this is any indication of what she'll be like outside of the womb, we're in big trouble.
So far, Brynlee seems to be like her mommy, a night owl. She's quite calm and quiet during the day. She moves, but it's more docile. At night, it's a party! Jab here, jab there, roll here, somersault there! It's endless. I told Tyson if this is any indication of what she'll be like outside of the womb, we're in big trouble.
Hugh and Nancy came into town for Thanksgiving. It was great seeing them. They got to see my ever growing bump and Nancy got to feel Brynlee move. She didn't give her a nice punch, but she moved for her. I was so happy to eat, eat, EAT! I mean, I LOVE to eat pregnant or not. Tyson likes to call me "a fat girl trapped in a skinny girl's body." There's no denying it! This is what a pregnant lady's Thanksgiving plate looks like...
Ooooohhhh yeah... All those carbs! Baby girl seemed to enjoy it. After we ate, she started moving about. That's when I decided to offer my tummy for my stepmom and mother-in-law to feel. This was the first time they felt their granddaughter move, and I was determined to get Nancy to feel her before she headed back for Georgetown.
Overall, I feel all right. As good as I'm going to feel pregnant. I'm still adjusting to the ever growing bump. It kind of gets in the way. Hugging Tyson is always fun with the whole "butt out hug" thing. I feel like I've reached a point in my pregnancy where I feel Brynlee knows what's going on and can sense some things. I don't know....I just feel it in how she moves. Anyways! Survey time!
How far along? I'm posting this at 22 weeks and 6 days
Total weight gain/loss: I've gained 12 lbs. from my pre-pregnancy weight.
Maternity clothes? I actually finally broke down and bought 3 maternity shirts and a sweater. The sweater was an early Christmas gift from my mother-in-law when she went shopping with me. Thanks Nancy!
Stretch marks? Nope. None. Vitamin E oiling and Mustella creaming it up, HOPING I won't get any.
Sleep: Pretty decent.
Best moment this week: Witnessing Brynlee's movement from the surface of my skin. So, SO cool!
Have you told family and friends: Of course. :)
Miss Anything? A nice adult beverage and my tiny, unpreggo, fit self.
Symptoms: Lately, the right lower side of my back has been aching, along with round ligament pain. Yucko! Oh! And that lovely bladder pressure feeling. Double yucko!
Movement: We've graduated from feeling little muscle twitch feelings, to thumps, to feeling her thumps from the outside, and now SEEING her thumps from the outside. Oh my little girl!
Food cravings: Fruit and Sprite
Food cravings: Fruit and Sprite
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still good!
Have you started to show yet: Ooooohhh yes I have!
Gender prediction: All girl!
Labor Signs: I think I was good this week. I had tight cramping, but I think it was Brynlee shoving herself to different spots and round ligament pain.
Belly Button in or out? Inny, inny!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, pappy!
Looking forward to: Feeling Brynlee and how she responds to mine or Tyson's touch and our voices.....or just sounds in general!