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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Guess What....

     We're pregnant!!!!  We're due March 24th (four days after my birthday and four days before our wedding anniversary)!  March will be a very busy month for us!  We are VERY excited, but also VERY nervous.  I think it's all basically the first feelings you have when you find out you're pregnant with your first baby.  Do you want to hear the story of how we found out?!????  Here goes!!!.....

     I was expecting for my (sorry...TMI) period to come back in the beginning-middle of July, but it hadn't yet.  I was taking a month off on my birth control to "re-adjust" my body because I had messed up the previous month by a week.  Oops!  I was only late by like ONE DAY, so I never thought anything of missing "Aunt Flow."  I just thought that it would take some time for my body to figure out its cycle since my birth control got a little off on its days.  I went to the gynecologist for my regular annual so I could get my birth control refilled and figure out what I needed to do to "reset."  While I was there, the nurse calculated my last menstrual cycle and said with slight panic/disappointment, "Ohhh...You're late..."  I just smiled and replied, "I know.  And I'm okay with that."  Looking at her like, "Is it a problem that I could be possibly pregnant?  I know I look like I'm a teenager, but I promise I'm old enough to have a baby." ;)  She had me tell the doctor about my birth control situation and the fact that I'm late.  When I told him, he thought nothing of it and told me that it could take 4-6 weeks for my period to come back.  He didn't want to do any tests....nothing.  He didn't seem to be concerned, so I continued to think nothing of it.

     For a couple of more days, I felt symptoms like I was expecting to get my period.  You know....the typical cramps, fatigue, bloatiness, blah-de-blah.  My stepmom and sister knew about my birth control situation, so they kept saying, "Reannin.  You're late.  You're feeling all of these symptoms.  You're pregnant."  They kept repeating this for almost a week.  I kept telling them what my doctor said, and denied I was pregnant.  In a way, I was kind of hoping I was, but I tried to convince myself that I wasn't because I didn't want to get my hopes up.  Both my sister and my mother had trouble conceiving, so I thought, genetically, I'd be in the same boat.  I didn't want to jump to conclusions, take a test, and be disappointed.  Kellie, my stepmom, was afraid I'd never get pregnant because Tyson and I kept saying we weren't ready, and my sister was desperate for her son to have a cousin.  She reminded me frequently that I needed to start trying so Braxton could have a cousin close in age.

     Finally, I caved and got a test after being almost a week and half to two weeks late.  My stepmom kept calling me that night, excited and anxious.  I told her I would take the test in the morning.  The following morning, I woke up to a text message that was sent at 7 a.m. from my sister that read, "WAKE UP!"  I guess she was anxious, too.  Once I woke up, I took it.  I stared at the Clearblue stick on the counter, watching the screen blink several times.  A few blinks later, it blinked Pregnant.  I then lost my breath, my heart stopped, and I teared up (with excitement).  I quickly grabbed the test, ran to my phone, took a picture of it, and texted it to my sister.  I wanted her to be the first to find out since I was the first person she told when she found out she was preggo.  After no response, I called her.  She answered, I delivered the news, and then I heard her excitedly/breathlessly repeated and slightly cried, "You're pregnant!  You're pregnant!  I told you!  I told you!  You're pregnant!  You're pregnant!......." and it carried on like that for about 30 more seconds.  It sounded like she was jumping up and down on the other end of the phone.  That's how out of breath she sounded.  Once I got off the phone with her, I went to go wake Tyson up.  It was 7:30 in the morning, so I sort of startled him.  He thought something was wrong.  I handed him the stick as he blindly tried to read it.  I started to cry and said, "I'm pregnant."  He took one tired look at it, his face lit up, and he grabbed me and hugged me.....  Then asked me if I was all right with it because I was crying.  I told him they were happy tears.  Phone calls were made to our parents and siblings, but that was it.  I even took another test later that day just to be extra sure.  Again, positive!

     So where am I now?  Well, 12 weeks pregnant and still scared but at the same time excited.  Tyson's in the same boat.  My bump increases in size weekly.  I'm just so tiny that it's showing fast on me.  My mom told me that I'll be "starting to look like an olive on a toothpick sooner than later."  I never really got sick.  Just slight queasiness once in a while.  I really haven't had an appetite, which that's starting to come back.  Also, I was just extremely fatigued and had headaches at the beginning all the way up until last week.  My energy is starting to pick back up.  I just wasn't feeling myself for a while.  It was kind of cruddy feeling.  My first two weeks back to work after summer vacation was really hard since I was in the midst of my first trimester .  I'd come home crying (hormones) telling Tyson that I was miserable, and all I wanted to do was sleep, which I did.  I'd come home, take a nap, wake up, stay awake for a couple of hours, then go back to bed for the night.  My body just feels so, not me.  Pregnancy is very interesting so far, and it's only going to get even more interesting.

     Now the fun stuff.....PICTURES!!!!

This is the first ultrasound of our baby at my first prenatal checkup.  I was measuring 6 weeks and 4 days here.  The heartbeat was at 120-125 bmp.  I got to hear it.  It was so beautiful.  Tyson started to tear up.

Fast forward a couple of weeks later....  I had switched doctors.  I wanted a family friend to be my doctor. Thank you to my wonderful mother-in-law who let me know about their family friend who was an OBGYN.  This ultrasound was taken when I was 8 weeks, 5 days.  Isn't it incredible the amount of change that happened in the baby in a period of 2 weeks?!?!???  Again, I got to hear the heartbeat which was now beating at 160 bpm.  It was the most incredible sound the second time around.

And here's me at 12 weeks.  Bump and all!  If you look below, I have a little "mommy/baby" update that I plan to do weekly.  So, stay tuned to this blog weekly to read about the changes and our experiences throughout this pregnancy! :)

How far along? 12 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: I've gained 4 lbs.

Maternity clothes? My sister gave me some hand me downs, so I haven't bought any yet.  I wore my first pair of maternity black skinny slacks to work last week because none of my work slacks will button. :(  I'm reduced to a pair of old fat pants that I can't even button totally, leggings, and any pants I have with elastic.  I'm in pants limbo here!

Stretch marks? No

Sleep: Sleeping okay, but have to get up every few hours during the night to pee A LAKE!  That's aggravating at times.  The books say my kidneys are functioning a little more efficiently right now.

Best moment this week: Having my energy pick up a little more! :)

Have you told family and friends: Yes!

Miss Anything? A cocktail or glass of wine with friends and getting to exercise/crossfit at "full speed."  Have to keep that heart rate down and those weights light!  Oh!  And I miss my abs!!!!!!  I pride myself on having great ab muscles to show off.  Those are no longer there. :(

Movement: Nothing yet, and probably nothing for a while.

Food cravings: Not really CRAVINGS, but I've been wanting to eat a lot of bagels with less fat cream cheese and Chobani greek yogurt.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Meat, especially when I see it raw.  Needless to say, I haven't been cooking much.  Also, heavy, greasy, and fried foods.  They make me feel more like crap than they did BEFORE I was pregnant.

Have you started to show yet: Looking chubby for sure!  I'm kind of in that awkward body stage of pregnancy.  

Gender prediction: Yes and no.  I think when I start feeling the baby, I can make a prediction.  I've been having dreams, though, that it's a girl and my brain and heart keeps wrapping around that it's a girl in there.  We have our anatomy scan on Oct. 22nd, so we'll find out girl or boy then!

Labor Signs: Ha!  No.  That'll be a while my friends.

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: In between?....

Looking forward to: Finding out the gender and feeling the baby move!


Nicole Rodriguez said...

Awe!!! This is so exciting!!! So happy for you and Tyson. Ryan's birthday is March 24 - it's a good day for a baby!!!

Toni carr said...

On goodness I started to tear up reading this, such a beautiful thing and You guys deserve all the happiness in the world!