So, this year, it was the Manger-Sutton Thanksgiving. Tyson and I have taken on the Thanksgiving tradition, and this year, we were lucky enough to get part of my family and part of Tyson's family together to celebrate this Thanksgiving. We celebrated a day early because Tyson had to work on Thanksgiving day, as well as my stepmom and Dad. We had a blast! Luckily, we had gotten in our NEW dining room furniture just in time for our Thanksgiving dinner....YAYYY!!! we got to sit and eat in our dining room altogether. And guess what?!!? Everyone had a chair to sit in! YAYYY!!! Previous years, we've had to pull up my exercise ball for me to sit on, our computer rolling chair, the name it!
Our new dining room furniture! |
So our day started out with a LSRF (Crossfit) workout. Tyson and I thought we better get in a good one before we pigged out! Once we got home, I remained in my workout clothes, hair all disheveled, and began helping out with the day long process of cooking. Thanks to Lululemon Athletic wear (LOVE THIS BRAND!) it kept me nice, dry, and comfy! By 4 o'clock, Tyson was carving the turkey! Sorry the picture is sideways. It's right side up on my computer, but turns sideways for blogger. :(
Tyson carving the turkey! |
After all of the eating, we took family photos like we did a couple of summer's ago. We set up the camera, and then everyone ran to a spot to get inside the frame of the camera!
On the floor have my dad and stepmom. On the couch starting to the left we have my younger brother, Brandon, me, PRECIOUS!, Nancy, and Emmy! And of course, in the back we have Hugh and Tyson. |
After eating and photo fun, we all played a few rounds of the game Apples to Apples, drank wine, and ate pie. Nothing better than that right there! The next morning, we began to set up our Christmas tree. It's become a thing that after every Thanksgiving meal or day, we set up our tree. Also, it's nice to have extra hands to help us get the darn thing put together! Another sideways photo....sorry... :(
Look! They're so HAPPY putting this tree together. Their smiles scream, "I wish I could do this every day!" (insert sarcasm here) |
Move over boys, let the decorator take over! :) |
Overall, Thanksgiving was a huge success, and it was wonderful to have both families get together. I hope everyone had a GREAT Thanksgiving! Hopefully everyone has come out of their "turkey comas!" :)
Oh! One more thing, for your viewing pleasure, below are just some extra pictures Hugh and Nancy caught with the puppies when they got in on Tuesday and we were at the gym! Love my in-laws! They're so funny! We don't have any children yet, so for now, I say that my children are furry..... :D
Just Hugh and "the girls," hanging out! |
Nancy and the girls! |
Ooooo......sneaky, sneaky Rosco. You see, Rosco isn't allowed on the couch. But! He'll creep up on your lap everrrrr...soooo...sloooowly to see if he can get away with it. Which, he usually does because he's too cute and it's hard to say no. |
And there you have it! Feeling like a lap dog and happy! |
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