Summer is finally here! Yayayayay!!! I'm so excited for some well desered R & R, while Tyson will be busy taking summer courses while working. All of them are night classes though.....BLEGH!.....But a man's got to do what a man's got to do! This summer we plan on continuing our Crossfit journey on to becoming buff "swoll-diers." The Texas heat has been kicking my rear end! Doing what we have to do at Crossfit is hard enough in itself, but out in the HEAT!!! GAHHH!! In Texas, we've been hitting some record high heats. It's only the beginning of June, and we've already been around 100 degree weather!!!!! This summer is definitely going to be a hot one! Talk about some serious heat exhaustion issues. I'm about to place bets on when I'm going to throw up for the first time on one of these work outs. Tyson already that's one man down. I see my day coming. :-/ Eeeek!
Tyson's looking great! He's putting on more muscle and leaning out if you can see in the pictures below. He's going to kill me for putting what I call his "stud muffin" picture down at the bottom. We're both getting stronger and reaching goals we've never been able to accomplish ourselves. I'm a HECK of a lot stronger than I've ever been. Bench press is one of my stronger upper body lifts, and just the other day I was able to put the what I call the "BIG BOY" weights on. They have smaller, plain, black weights that look girly, but then they have the BIG BOYS that are large and colorful that look like the real deal. Well.....I was finally able to slap those suckers on the barbell and bench it. It felt so good!!! Also, I'm able to knock out 10 (CORRECT) strict push ups. I used to barely be able to get ONE without fighting it. My first few goals are accomplished, but now I'm going to push myself to continue to add more weight on all my lifts and get my first pull up. Tyson's reached his first goal of getting a muscle up on the gymnastic rings, so he's pretty proud of it. The trainer got a video of him doing it, but we haven't gotten it yet. Anyways, below are some pictures to show what we're up to! By the way, if you live in The Woodlands area and want something that is going to push you beyond your limits, I HIGHLY suggest this place, Lift Strong Run Fast a.k.a. Crossfit The Woodlands. Check it out! I LOVE the results I'm seeing on both Tyson and me!
Tyson doing the AMRAP for the day. The AMRAP included 5 barbell thrusters, 7 chin ups, and 9 kettle bell sumo deadlift high pulls, and you did that set over and over and over for 20 minutes straight. One of the longest 20 minutes of my life! Oh...and did I mention that this was AFTER 30 minutes of lifting weights and strength training??? Talk about muscle pre-exhaust!
Me doing the chin ups. You can see the fight in my face. This work out hurt so bad.....I'm mean GOOD! ;)
This was this Monday's workout. After doing 8 suicide sprints, and 3 sets of 10 GHR's and 20 step ups, we had to do 3 rounds of 50 double unders, 20 goblet squats, and run for 200 meters all for time (see how fast you could do it). Another exhausting workout.
This was during Tuesday's workout. The trainer snapped a picture of us lying on the ground, worn out. The trainer told us to look exhausted, and this is what we gave her: me with a smile and Tyson playing dead.
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