So...I'm sitting here thinking...
I'm sitting here thinking, "Too bad Tyson missed that work out today, and if today's work out was any indication for what's to come at Crossfit for the rest of the week, then he's lucky he's on vacation!!!" I'm kind of sad that I won't see Tyson for a week, especially since I've felt like I haven't seen him in 2 because of the mix of his job, my job and end of the year obligations, his late night and early morning K9 trainings, and his schooling. ::sigh:: Makes me sad. Where's Tyson you might ask??? Well, he's off to Florida with his dad! I'm very excited for him. For quite a while now, Tyson's been talking about taking Hugh on a trip back to Florida where Hugh grew up as a young boy. It's just something special Tyson's been wanting to do with his dad. So, they're going to have some father/son bonding time in Florida. I can't wait to hear about the trip! Hopefully I'll see some pictures. Come to think of it...I should have given Tyson my camera. But...then again...he's not "snap happy" like me, so he probably would have gotten ONE photo taken.
As you all know, one of my younger sisters is pregnant. Well, a couple of weeks ago, we found out the sex of the baby and it is a BOY! I'm so excited and I'm probably just as impatient as my sister to see his cute little face. The name will be Braxton Talley Bean. Braxton is a random name that both my sister and her husband shouted out together one day when they were trying to think of boy names. Since they both so "coinky dinky" shouted that name at the same time, they thought it was meant to be. Talley is a family name through Shane's side. Here's a picture of my little nephew! Love him already!

On another note, my dad will be turning 50 on May 26th! My dad can't seem to believe it, but I think he looks GREAT for 50! Especially now that he's clean from smoking for about 3 years now. I'm so proud of him! We're holding a what's supposed to be a surprise (but it's not a surprise anymore) birthday BBQ party for him. I'm trying to think of what to get him for his birthday, but I'm just so stuck.
Anyways! I have 12 more school days left until I complete my second year of teaching! YAYAYAYAY! I couldn't be more excited for summer to get here! I'm EXHAUSTED. Tyson is just a couple of classes away from his Associate's and I think he's going to try and knock that out this summer. After's on to his Bachelor's! Otherwise, nothing new. Still staying active and working, working, working! Hope everyone else is doing well!
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