We drove up to Austin late Wednesday night. Tyson spent time with his dad and his dad's buddy playing 18 holes of golf, while Nancy and I vegged out by the pool. My skin hadn't seen sun in I don't know how long, so it was nice to get some color (although I still need more). When Tyson came back from playing golf, he had gotten more color on top of the OTHER color he had from not wearing sunscreen from K9 training. He was definitely rockin' the farmers tan, while the rest of his body glows from his whiteness. Poor guy.... LOVE YA HUN!!!
Saturday, we drove to San Antonio to celebrate Megan's birthday. Well, her OFFICAL birthday was the Wednesday before. All of us girls went shopping/errand running while the guys stayed back and watched Wimbledon and the World Cup. I think the ladies had seen enough of both sports, and it was time to do something else. I was DEFINITELY tired from hearing that annoying horn noise from the T.V. Before going out to dinner, we all decided to take a little family photo from all of our cameras. Of course, we had no one to take it, so we had to prop it on a Ritz Cracker box, strategically place our bodies in the best position so that all of us could fit in the picture, and put on the 10 second timer. This was all a comedy in itself. We were all scrambling to "get into place" before the flash, but we managed to get a good one from my camera. 

After scrambling around to get in a couple good shots from our cameras, we thought we'd humor ourselves by playing the, "Beat the Flash" game. We basically all started where the camera is located, pressed the ten second button, and RACED to the wall to get in the shot before the flash went off. Talk about even MORE comedy in itself! Pretty entertaining.
That night, we drove back to Austin, and Sunday Tyson and I left for Houston/The Woodlands. Precious had been on edge all week from being away from home. She couldn't seem to relax. Well, when we got home, she finally relaxed:
We found her wedged in the pillows of our couch. I'm just SO *sarcasm* glad she finally chilled out.
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