Tyson is OFFICIALLY the K9 officer for Humble!!!!!!! After TWO years of working his tail off by investing in a dog as a puppy, training it as a puppy, putting the bug in the department's ear, and after writing a huge proposal, he's officially done it! As you all know, last year Humble was showing no interest and it looked as though the K9 program was not going to happen. Since this was the case, Tyson left Humble and made an irrational thought by taking on a position as K9 for a different deptartment in Houston. After one week, Tyson realized that he made a huge mistake, and being at a department he liked and was comfortable with outweighed JUST the K9 thing. He needed the whole package: A department he wanted to work at PLUS be K9.
Tyson was just told today that him and Rosco start THIS Friday! Rosco gets to go to work with Daddy, and be an official police officer! I'm so excited for them both. Tyson will get three days off a week now while keeping his same clock hours on the job. I'm SO THRILLED about the 3 days off a week! I will get to see him more, and summer is coming up so this will be perfect! I'll be off from work and get to spend time with my baby boy (Rosco) and Tyson at training on one day, and then spend the next two whole days off! You may think I'm a dork, but Tyson doesn't have the typical 9-5er job with weekends off, so three solid days off is the best thing in the world! .........well technically he's training on one of the days off.........I should say it's more three NIGHTS off!
Well, that's the newest news! Still putting the house together piece by piece. We get our new furniture in on Wed. I'm totally pumped! I've decided to wait to take pictures of the finished house. I'm still trying to get it together, and WAY busy with end of the year work stuff, but it will get done! :)
Say hello to Officer Rosco!... a.k.a...our Mister Man and Baby Boy!